For years, I couldn't figure out why I felt others' pain so acutely...
It got to the point that I believed something was seriously wrong with me.
If I walked in a room, I'd suddenly feel tense and angry without knowing why. Later, I'd find out that some issue was going on with someone in the room, making them angry.
I'd feel sick to my stomach for days (or longer) after watching the news or a violent movie. Yet, all my friends could watch either and be completely fine.
Upon seeing something sad happen (such as an animal hit by a car), sorrow would overwhelm me for weeks. Yet, others who saw the same thing would be sad at first, but quickly shrug it off.
Worse, I found myself helping everyone and everything, running myself into the ground. I couldn't say "no" to any cause or any person in pain; their pain was my pain and I had to make it stop, even if it meant I was hurting myself in the process.